Lulu and Ted's Ukrainian Adventure!!!!!
How we roll in Ukraine…….Yo.

10-15-2010 Friday Friends

Howdy do all of you!!!!!!!

Morning routine, Lulu is back in the saddle again.

Worked on my paper; had to add another page. Two new resources and a whole page of information. Well since the only thing anyone found wrong with my paper was a lack of an explanation about what the heck Role Playing Games are…..I added in a paragraph telling them what the heck Role Playing Games are…..

Professor Smiley even told me it was excellent, but adding in how Hero System compares to other RPG’s would be a good thing. So my second addition is a comparison to other RPG’s.

Almost done with it, should have it finished and all references done by Sunday evening.

Anyways, I digest.

(Hee Hee)

So Lulu gets off of work, and we head over to the gym and get me setup with personal training three days a week, every week, for 400.00UAH a month.


Yeppers, that’s $50.00…….A MONTH!!!!!!

The owner and her husband are both professional body builders, and she is going to be my personal trainer.

I might actually be back in good shape by the time I get back to ya’ll……or dead.

Not that my 5’8″, 190lbs is too totally out of shape. I mean a little roll around the belly isn’t to bad for a 42 year old, right? (shush Deuce.)

But what the hell, if I can get back the 6 pack abs and flexibility I had in high school. I’ll be set.

Does this constitute a mid life crisis? I need a Harley when I get back, so those of you who know anyone who wants to sell there old beater to me in about two years, please tell them to hang on to it. I will not buy new, as I know I will lay it down as I learn to ride the darned thing. The trick is not getting killed in the process……if I live through the first two years of learning, then I will buy a new one.

Of course, they do have 500cc bikes here for about 8000.00 UAH ($1,000.00)

I have yet to see anything above 750 cc…….Unless it’s a restored vintage or classic from WWII. Waiting to see if anyone has a Harley from WWII here. That would be too much to hope for……

Crud, I digested again…..

After the gym, we went to dinner with Manny and Andrea. We talked and ate, and talked some more. The folks here are really nice.

But I do miss being home…….I need some geek mingling……hope I don’t lose my inner geek while I am here……

As if…..

So I walked Lulu home and proceeded to ply her with Vodka, the food of choice in Ukraine.

Then we read our books, as we settled down for a nice fall night of rest.

All in all, a good day.

Just wondering how much pain I’m in store for next week, when my training starts……….

Night all. πŸ™‚

One Response to “10-15-2010 Friday Friends”

  1. No.. no Harley… get a “real’ motorcycle.

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